Sunday, May 07, 2006

Color Television Vs Yellow Metal: A tale of two promises

The world is full of great visionary, the greatest one felt that , "India would be considered safe, when a jewel clad woman walks, alone in the darkest of nights". Few others have viewed of times, "when education would reach child residing in the remotest corner of the country,".These are thoughts that ordinary mortal intellect resonate and find inspiring. However,Beyond the capacity of human brain's comprehension,their must be cosmic forces, that work in mysterious ways and make our leaders churn our election time visionary promises. After all there are various aspects of revolutionary leader.

One such promise is that of “color TV a house”. If you cannot solve the problem of farmer committing suicide, at least aid the better half spending her rest of years, watching the idiot box. You cannot predict the rain or the lack of it, but you can be dead assured that, the ever lasting tele-serials will last for eternity There is a definite continuity to peoples life, for even if they know, if work is available tomorrow or not, if food can be smelt for next week, one can be sure, that next part of the serial will be viewed. Just one minute of thought if I could visualize the possibilities, Extrapolate this to the interior brain of our revolutionary leaders. The neurons would be firing in fury, resulting in a volcanic eruption of why a color TV is the need of state. Slowly, I can bring a bound (For the lack of any other logical sequence of words,), to this seemingly superfluous stupid scheme. Yes our leaders are visionary, it is our narrow focus on logic, rationality that prevents us from seeing the not obvious. As we are nearing 60 years of independence, we cannot conquer poverty, illetracy, corruption, but atleast here is an idea, which is going to act as a balm. As eyes would be glued towards the messiah of messimerization, making the pain of reality, that much more tolerable. After the idea of universal franchise, that created equality amongst all the citizens of this country, the possession of color TV, would be the second symbol of vibrant democracy, ushering in the second age of equality.
I am sure, the above will be followed with neumerous copy cat scheme. (Imitation is best form of flattery.) Every, poor family will get to watch a movie of their choice in a multiplex, with a coke and choice of junk food. Private sector will share this social responsibility. As this scheme has an unfair tilt to the city dwellers, the same kind of movie, food will be distributed via Public Distributed system ( PDS would be integral part of every Mall). Village dwellers, can travel to nearest mall, in state transport, and thus are guaranteed, food, travel, action, for a day each month.

Now, when the ocean was churned by the gods and the demons, anything was bound to come. So does election. Election, churns the might of our creative political parties and out comes these visionary promises.
In the Promised Land, the government would track, marriage of every poor girl, and grace her with Yellow meta. I could theorize that, over ages (i.e next thousand of years) enough gold will be accumulated in the family, to elevate them from the grudges of poverty. Afterall, An ocean is made of tiny drops of water, taj-mahal was not build in a day. The seed of great and secured future lies embedded in this great promise.

Realize that, Enhancing education infrastructure would result in stress in girl childs life (as competition is bringing in their urban equivalent young children), and providing work opportunities would result in work related stress (as again seen in their working urban equivalent), building new roads would result in more speed related accidents, equipping the hospitals better, would spell out death blow for the tradition of black magic cure. Taking all these risks in consideration, handing gold seems to be an extremely, safe step. Additionally, to ensure misuse, i.e To prevent suicides from its consumption,a certain some amount of adulteration would be allowed.

Now, dear voters, you have seen the two contending parties of bringing in general prosperity. You would agree, the ordinary mind is at fault as it , for it finds itself, bounded by sanity. Both parties, are aiming for that state of human kind, where in state takes complete responsibility of an individuals existence, something like matrix, where in the computers did the same to Humans.

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