1. Never complete your managers sentence, for it would mean that he/she is stating the obvious.
2. Most of the townships in banglaore are called so, for they float in water during rainy season.
3. Genius is 99% inspiraiton , 1% prespiration , where inspiration is the politically correct term of super human intelligence, and 1% prespiration is the hope that ordinary can also reach such levels.
4. Banglaore does not need road dividers as of now, for it would cause divide by zero exception.
5. Bangalore does not need road dividers, it requires roads first, followed by road multipliers.
6. Now is the moment you had been waiting for , unfortunately it has already passed, and the waiting continues.
7. If I know the last day that I am going to be on this earth, I will shift to mars a day before.
8. Life does exists after death, but not for the same person.
9. The duration of an overnight journey depends upon the class and the company you are travelling with.
10. A new airlines that offers the price of deccan and the hosptiality of king fischer would be awesome. (Courtsey: Gaurav)
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